
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

05 On the plane

I was 20 years old and embarking on a great new adventure, while entering the plane I was hoping to sit next to a Japanese person to help me prepare on what lies ahead. I sat down in my seat next to a nice elderly couple who didn't speak any English to my left was an empty seat. I could not help noticing every peroson who passed by me, and the sound of my heart beating fast whenever somone looked at the number of the empty seat. Finaly a skinny american guy in his early 20's sits next to me and we exchange a breif. " whats up". Belive it or not it was total silence untill the plance departed this great nation of the united states." a country where the pizza gets there faster then the police does." I always dreamed of sitting next to a window seat so i can see when i land. Instead i sat right in the middle of the plane. As the plane desended I mutterd to the american guy, "here we go".

fly asdasd
As we were in the air and the it got a little boring, dsd
then after a while i was approached by beautiful korean hostess. In the best way she could she said " would you like a drink"? At the top of my head i was ready to get my crazy Japanese trip underway. I was eager to get wasted and let loose. BUT ON A PLANE? i thought, why not. I asked for a cup of wine, it was cheap wine of course and i felt it was just enough to get me buzzed and relaxed. Me and the "white guy" began to talk and told me about his reasons for coming to japan. Perhaps its been his dream and hes worked very hard to get here just as i did. " my friend lives on the military base so iam coming to visit him." he said while taking a quick toke of his wine. "oh thats cool" i said. "yea man i saved up for a while and ive always wanted to come to japan so i did it despite all the odds. While on the plane I befriended a 13 year old companion across the row from me. Funny little boy who would ask me alot of questions. "where you from" Why you want to go to japan" How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood.".........LOL.......... a funny and awkward thing happed. He asked me " what you listening to"? As drunk as i already was I just handed him my cd-player he put the headphones on and laughed and his mom was like "who's is that where did you get that. After she said that // He dropped my cd player and the disc came flying out.... yeaaaaa awkward. Despite that weird situation i continued drinking my free wine,passed-out,woke up,ate my food,and passed out again, 12 hour flight it was great. One hour before landing i took 20 minutes to do my hair. I had a weird hair style. dont judge.