I was excited to get out on the town with my pen pal. We were waiting in the hotel room for I dont know what. Givin the time frame we had we were both tired, she went all the way to tokyo narita to pick me up and back to tokyo and she needed to get back home for the night, and I just got off a 12 hour flight and I was dying for a shower. Despite all that we decided to take a taxi to the nearest hot spot which was of course
Shinjuku. It was a monday and to be honest I didnt think we were going to have that much fun, but to my suprise we found ourselves taking (
purikura) Small sticker pictures with imense detail that cost around 400 to 500 yen. You can put these pictures on really any surface, really popular amung the japanese school girl's.
ONLY 400 YEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was weird with my pen pal. She would stop every other second for a cigattete and we would have that akward silence and all I can hear is her smoking and asking random questins. " what music do you like " I dont know if she noticed but she asked me this more than once. I think she was just trying to make conversation. After her Cancer break we ended up walking alot and I would stop every other second just to get her attention. " Hey whats that" Of course she could not really explian due to her "poor enrish". So it was amusing to me to watch her even try. I heard alot of " ah ehhh eto sore wa.. ehhh nani kore" ( oh umm well this is... umm what is this). Her terminology was short and sweet so that I may understand her. ^_^ After a long period of walking we decided to stop for a bite to eat (
Tom hanks We went down into a ramen noodle shop. I gatta say I really like ramen. Its not like your typical ramen noodles at home. Ramen Noodles in Japan are the best. I actually got addicted to Ramen when I lived there. ( future post ). The thing about Ramen Noodles is that the shops are EVERYWHERE. There is always compitition when it comes to Ramen shops. One price is cheaper than the other. Also when you are walking around in japan the window with WAX Ramen show how it looks like and how much it is. Its hard because if you dont speek Japanese and you see the wax model outside you cant really know where it is on the menu. What I would do ( BAKA GAIJIN STYLE ) is actually take the waiter outside and point to what I want. The 1st time u order food you will wing it but once you are tired of winging it you dont really care if you act like a ( BAKA GAIJIN ).
We entered the ramen shop and we ordered our food. The Ramen shop had music but you cant really hear the music on account of EVERYONE IS SLURPING THEIR RAMEN. If you dont know this already that Japanese people slurp their food. This means that they are really enjoying their meal. I was excited to try this so what I did was, slurp as loud as I could. In Japan you will get a lot of stares and a lot of weird looks. I intentionally wanted some attention so that was one of my tricks. Yoko looked at me and said “ you really like it” LOL After our meal we went back to the hotel. We said our good byes and she said that she would return in the morning to pick me up and move to another hotel. After she left I was excited to walk around alone in Japan, But I was tired and passed out thinking of what will happen tomorrow.