Don't remember the date but I am sure it was in June. I bought my ticket for exactly 600 dollars round trip. That was a good deal but it was a good deal cause the economy was not crap and gas was 130 a gallon. (FYI at this point in writing this post I have officially moved to the toilet. apparently wring crap ,gas and gallon in the same sentence triggers your brain to release it waste. "thank you") A day before I am off to my wondrous journey I hit the bank and get all my money in my account converted into "TRAVELERS CHECKS." Travelers checks are useless in japan. Nobody takes them. I was confidant and excited on embarking in the land of the purchasable used pantie machines. (this was not my reason for going to japan but still excited to see it). I felt invincible with my pocket travelers book, travelers checks, bags packed all ready and a mind filled with thoughts. Its the night before the flight and I could not sleep. I was too excited and I had thoughts of what I was gonna do while I got there. Was I gonna kiss the ground? Was I gonna cry and stand in the the crossing like I have always dreamed of? Time would tell. Since I could not sleep I got off of bead and turned off my Tv. ( watching TOM GREENS subway monkey hour every Gaijin should watch it.) I got my car keys and went to Wal-Mart.since I money in the bank I love going to Wal-mart and just walking around knowing I can buy anything. So I made my way into Wal-mart looking for things I forgot to buy. Don't buy a outlet converter if you live in the US you dont need it. I found out the hard way. I felt like i had everything by the time I got home my parent'a were already up and we were on our way to LA.
I got my flight info,my cd's,my ticket,my pocket of useless checks and I said my goodbyes to my mother and father. My father said I was crazy and I was brave for doing what I was doing. He said he was proud of me for chasing my dreams. "this is all I have" My mother said while taking one last search through her pocket for some extra change to give me. She handed me 13 dollars while sobbing. " be careful ok" she mumbled. In her mind I am sure she remembered her little boy who would always wonder off while saying " I'am gonna go explore mom" at parties and who cried when he realized he could not get into the foreign exchange program. I was off.. they called the gate and I spent my 13 dollars on a salad. I was starving but for 15 dollars for a salad it better come with a steak, Bring snacks to flight. I got on the plane and I was off.