Despite the crazy time I had in the plane I was still excited to get off that plane and kiss the ground as soon as we landed and let out a big " I MADE IT HERE", Of course that is what i always dreamed of doing while I was in high school. I got off the plane and me and the "white guy" parted ways. I contacted my pen pal prior to the flight and told her (Yoko Takei)
As soon as we got off the train I found myself following Yoko to a place where she "knew a good hotel". In Shinjuku we walked and walked and walked some more. I always fell behind and Yoko would look back with a smile with repetitions of " u ok "? I would say again and again " yea iam good" ( I really wasent on account of I was carrying 3 bags up and down stairs.) We finally after 1 hour of walking we got to the hotel. Yoko talked to the hostess and paid for my room. " I feel like a king I thought" all the rumors of Japanese girls were true. They take care of their men. That is of course until we settled down in the room Yoko stated "when u go to bank u can pay back to me" I was like. ummmmmm ok .
Before we got to our hotel room I raped my 1st vending machine in Japan. I had no Japanese Currency at the time, except a 500,100,50 and 10 yen coins I had gotten from my Science teacher in Jr, high. She gave it to me as a gift cause she knew I liked Japan and she wanted to show me what Japanese currency looked like. I kept it all these years to put it in my 1st vending machine to buy me and my Pen Pal a Asahi Beer the size of a two Liter. (good times) To the Left is a picture of me and my Pen-Pal (so you know what she looks like) We are waiting to for a quick night on the town.
Asking my pen-Pal why this is so popular |
Aww you're hair looks nice :) sounds like a fun time though~!