A simple walk in my hometown is what I normally do on a Sunday afternoon. As I walk down the street to the McDonalds I see a white Mitsubishi Lancer Evo. This car looks fantastic not only that but the owner is washing it so proudly. I thought to myself man I really want to own this type of car someday in Japan. I respectfully requested in my horrible Japanese if I could take a picture of his car. He smiled, said of course and stoped washing his car and somewhat hid behind the vehicle as if cleaning the tires. I only started to live here for about 6 months and I am beginning to realize that some car owners hardly even used thier cars. Anyone who lives in the city anywhere in the world understands that finding a parking spot and using your vehicle is a pain in the ass. I remember being in Tokyo and my friend pick me up in Shibuya for a night out. He desperately wanted to show his car to me but it all ended horribly when we spent 3 hours trying to find a parking spot. Next to my house there are 2 Harley Davidsons that never ever leave the parking lot. I noticed this on account of the bottom of the Harley Davidsons are showing signs of rust and the kick stands are somewhat decaying. I go in and out of my apartment for the past 6 months and not one time have I seen those vehicles moved. I say if you have the money than buy what you like and do what you want with its your property. Even though the train system is the number one type of transportation in Japan vehicles are left outside to show the status of the household. Again this is only a portion of people in Japan to do this. This is just a speculation in my area of Osaka. Do I wish to purchase a vehicle here in Osaka ? Of course at some point, but it will not be a car. I would actually like to buy a motorcycle on account of I have one back home. Suzuki 1979 I do miss her.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
First month of teaching
Being a foreigner in a different country Is like being the retard in the class. Your special and people enjoy your company. Not to mention that if you make a mistake they think its funny and you are always forgiven. Despite the fact that you are immune to some mistakes you do sometimes feel out of place no matter how much you are welcome.
The first week of teaching was like walking into heaven. I love school, even though when I was young I was bullied, poor and did not have many friends, I always remembered the fun I had as a child. Sometimes I wish I can just go back to the bus stop and have no worries and meet friends. As I walk into the school I can smell the candy that students sneak into their bags, the smell of lunch and breakfast being prepared and not to mention the sound of kids screaming and having fun. My first day I needed to meet with the principal. I took off my shoes and sat in his office. I felt like I was in trouble. I nice old man enters the room with his hair combed to the side, it was indeed the principal. His office was filled with certificates and his breath smelled like coffee. He welcomed me to the school and asked me a lot of questions about my life and where I am from. He then goes to explain that I will be introducing myself to the entire staff in a meeting.
About 50 teachers stand at the ready and their 100 percent attention is to the principal as he announces the new teacher. He says my name and looks at me. I nervously walk center stage and wearing my suit. I felt overdressed cause all the other teachers were wearing t shirts and jeans. I introduce myself in Japanese and said a small joke to where they laughed. I realized that the entire week will be for the students to study. So there was a lot of free time for me to walk around and meet the students. The female students laughed and giggled as they touched my hair and said “so cool”. The school boys laughed and rough housing each other. I noticed that the entire week I will be doing just this. Hanging out with the students. So I roamed the school like the creepy gaijin that I am and talked to the students any chance I got. I was told by my boss that this was the biggest school in Osaka and the one with the most troubled students. I thought well it can’t be as bad as it is in America. I am thinking oh great they are going to stab me or shoot me or who knows.
The first lesson was what I was teaching all month, where I am from , how I got here and my story. I told the compelling story of my life from when my mother swam to America from Mexico to me getting bullied cause of my speech problem and the finale me leaving my life and job in America to be a teacher. Students said “OH SUGOI” ( oh wow amazing). All the students were interested in my story and even the teachers could not believe why I would leave so much of what I had to be here to teach. I told them the reason. I have always wanted to be teacher. Not just any teacher but one who will touch the hearts of students and get their attention. My first class students were sleeping, bored, and shared no interest in school. It’s not their fault, its mine. In the middle of my speech I stopped and looked around to my students. I looked into their eyes each every one of them, and something inside me started to happen. For 10 seconds I paused holding my hand in the air as I stopped my speech. I remembered back when I was in school. My teachers ignored me because of my speech problem; they hand out packets and tell us to work quietly while they receive their pay check.
I said, “ I see some of you sleeping” 4 students were out. “its not your fault” I said “ when I was young I did the same thing” some of them laughed. I stood there in my suit and I said “I made a promise when I was young that if I ever become a teacher, I would be the best one that I could be. I will be exciting and surprising to make my students smile” I then paused for a moment and I slammed my hands on the desk making a loud BANG!!!! All the students jumped up and the kids sleeping woke up and started laughing. I broke the silence and turned it into laughter and smiles. I jumped up and said “YEA EVERYBODY WAKE UP” I started acting goofy in my suit and tie. The kids started laughing and we all shared this moment of realization that this the beginning of the most exciting year of their lives.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
The Airport
The Airport.
Bloody Hell, I believe that is my new word when I am pissed
off or something really impossible just happened. Like seconds I take off a
mosquito patch off my shirt a mosquito bites me right in the nose. “Bloody
hell” Blo e hew as I say it in the accent. I guess my new life here is taking a
toll on me. I see things in a totally new perspective. I live in a town called
Toyonaka, a rual town just 20 min from Osaka. Which is great cause I really don’t
mind the hankyu line.
Leaving my house for the last time was like saying goodbye
to everything that I have grown to be comfortable with. Comfortable will ruin you. My house was 10
min away form my job, my job was easy, everything was cheap and I had no big issues
to worry me. Time was passing me by. Before I knew it I had turned 28 and
realized that being comfortable will age you to a point where one day you will
wake up and say. “what the hell I am I doing”.
So I was not too effected when I left my home. My father had
already went to work and we said our goodbye. Good ridden, “he probably thought
to himself” for there was no emotion nor a single tear shed from his face.
Either that or he has a heart of stone. Which is highly unlikely on account of
I have seen him weep for a puppy that accidentally fell into the pool. The
puppy was a gift from him to my mother. He stood there holding the shovel and
cried simple tears. I was 12 at the time.
I guess men have their own way of expressing themselves. “good luck “ he
said hugging me followed by a meaningful “ I love you”
Once it was my time to leave both my younger brothers
followed me outside. I looked up at the sun and realized that this would be the
last time I will see the Arizona sunset. “Don’t fuck up” I said, as I looked my
22 year old brother in the eyes. “You have a job here to do now and you know
what to do, stay strong Chris and don’t fuck up”. “You know I won’t, and I
promise”. Saying goodbye to him was not easy. A sudden memory struck my mind.
Him 8 years old following me to the bust stop and me yelling at him to hurry
up. He would walk in the corner in the street to purposely step on all the dry
leaves just to hear them crunch. I have always been there to tell him to hurry
up in life. But as a child and free spirited person he is, he will always go at
his own paste. But I know he will make it to the bus stop regardless.
That just leaves my mother and my little brother Dominick.
On the way to the airport I see the road I took to work. The thoughts I had
when I would rest my head on my hands in the office say “god I wish I could
just press fast forward to when I leave!” and it was an uneasy feeling knowing I was
moments away to never seeing my town again.
At the airport with my little brother and my mother it
began, the travel sick. My bags were too heavy and I had to give up the things I
need and pay an extra 100$. Dam you united. They should change the name to “sack
o bitches”. Before entering security I said
my last goodbyes. First my mother, giving her a big hug and whispering in her
ear. “I am sorry” “good luck and take care of yourself” she sobbed giving me
one last tight hug. My little brother
was the last to say goodbye to. I opened my bag and pulled out a gold plated
necklace in the shape of a sword. It was a usb hard drive. My little brother
and I would watch a cartoon episode that the same one and always talked about
it. He opened it and was surprised I believe it was the best gift I have given
him. He has given me something much more. A friend to always talk to. When I was
alone in my hometown he would always come up to me to show me something cool on
his phone or play video games together. I gave him the gift of having an older
brother to always be there no matter what. Something I never grew up with.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
The Big Move
OK, to save you all some time reading the old crap that
nobody really cares about, Iam going to break it down to you. In 2005 went to
japan to get laid. Did not happen but drank, partied and made out with hot
j-chicks. My penal was more into herself and her white pen pal then me. But
still she ended up paying for most things. (the Japanese exchange rate was 110
yen to the dollar compared to today 98 yen to the dollar.) So I had a good 3
weeks and came back to America BROKE, but ended up going back to college. Met a
nice Korean girl and was with her for 6 amazing years. Went to japan 1 time
while with her and also went to Korea to meet her parents. When we both arrived
back in the United Stated we went our separate ways. I went back to Japan for 3
months and she went to Korea. As much as we loved each other we still wanted to
be with each other. So when she continued school in the U.S we ended up back
together. But she moved 3 hours away and we were together for 2 years after
that. In the long run we ended up breaking up. So since I could not re kindle
things with her I decided to live my life and move to Japan. My childhood
dream. ^+^
As of today August 4th 2012 I begin my journey in surviving
in the amazing country. I will document my life as it unfolds, and hopefully
will uncover the underground of this country.
I would say moving to Japan was not so easy. It was a step I
knew I had to take on account of I was not happy in my hometown. I had a great
job, wore a suit to work, made good money, stayed out of trouble and always
looked on the bright side of things. I dedicated years of my life taking care
of my family and my relationship. But a person can only handle so much when
they are not appreciated. I sold my car, sold my x-box, sold my phone,
basically sold my life and packed my life in suitcases. I knew what I had to
Sacrifice is something most people don't understand. I am
not talking about the feeling you get when you sacrifice your child lol. I mean
when you are young you have a lot of wants and really don’t focus on what you
need. I mean come on do you really need a I phone 4s that scratches your ass
from a laser in space? That’s money out of your pocket I had that attitude in
high school, however I knew that my town was filled with lost dreams. From the
fat couples with babies at Walmart to the guy working at jack in the box to pay
off his student loans. I sold my car for
2,500 and bought a motorcycle for 900$ and threw the rest of it in the bank. IN
THE BEGINNING OF WINTER. I froze my ass off and I almost had a heat stroke in the
summer. BUT at least I was only paying 7 bucks a week for gas and riding a bike
is very therapeutic. Saving money was hell. I am not kidding sheer and utter
hell. I really wanted my money to grow and my desperateness of moving to Japan
was so vast that I never went out. I never bought a simple coke for $1.00. I said
no and became fierce with people who I usually treat all the time. It was sacrifice
I had to make. The feeling you get when you work hard, and you get home and
tell yourself. “ it’s ok I deserve that I worked hard all day” so you end up
spending your money to maintain your mental stability. I became stronger with
my stabilizing my mental state and the only happiness I sought was opening my
bank account. I loved my games so I taught myself how to download and hack my
games. Anywho.
I decided to move to Japan because I had what I wanted but
in the wrong city. I would rather be homeless in Japan then be wearing a suit
in my city that has doomed so many. Once I realized my relationship with my ex
would could not be fixed, I looked in my high school yearbook and saw what I posted
in the “my dream section” I stated “to live and die in Japan”.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Ueno Tokyo
Thursday, March 24, 2011
1ST Night in Tokyo
ONLY 400 YEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We entered the ramen shop and we ordered our food. The Ramen shop had music but you cant really hear the music on account of EVERYONE IS SLURPING THEIR RAMEN. If you dont know this already that Japanese people slurp their food. This means that they are really enjoying their meal. I was excited to try this so what I did was, slurp as loud as I could. In Japan you will get a lot of stares and a lot of weird looks. I intentionally wanted some attention so that was one of my tricks. Yoko looked at me and said “ you really like it” LOL After our meal we went back to the hotel. We said our good byes and she said that she would return in the morning to pick me up and move to another hotel. After she left I was excited to walk around alone in Japan, But I was tired and passed out thinking of what will happen tomorrow.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Meeting the Pen Pal
Despite the crazy time I had in the plane I was still excited to get off that plane and kiss the ground as soon as we landed and let out a big " I MADE IT HERE", Of course that is what i always dreamed of doing while I was in high school. I got off the plane and me and the "white guy" parted ways. I contacted my pen pal prior to the flight and told her (Yoko Takei)
As soon as we got off the train I found myself following Yoko to a place where she "knew a good hotel". In Shinjuku we walked and walked and walked some more. I always fell behind and Yoko would look back with a smile with repetitions of " u ok "? I would say again and again " yea iam good" ( I really wasent on account of I was carrying 3 bags up and down stairs.) We finally after 1 hour of walking we got to the hotel. Yoko talked to the hostess and paid for my room. " I feel like a king I thought" all the rumors of Japanese girls were true. They take care of their men. That is of course until we settled down in the room Yoko stated "when u go to bank u can pay back to me" I was like. ummmmmm ok .
Before we got to our hotel room I raped my 1st vending machine in Japan. I had no Japanese Currency at the time, except a 500,100,50 and 10 yen coins I had gotten from my Science teacher in Jr, high. She gave it to me as a gift cause she knew I liked Japan and she wanted to show me what Japanese currency looked like. I kept it all these years to put it in my 1st vending machine to buy me and my Pen Pal a Asahi Beer the size of a two Liter. (good times) To the Left is a picture of me and my Pen-Pal (so you know what she looks like) We are waiting to for a quick night on the town.
Asking my pen-Pal why this is so popular |
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